2017• Documentary •01h33
In 1964, Jean Ziegler was asked by Che Guevara to fight the “capitalist Monster”. Former collaborator of Kofi Annan, professor and writer, Ziegler’s books still act as a manifesto to left-wing intelligentsia. At the UN Human Rights Council, he fights against “vulture funds”, a new avatar of the “Monster”. He goes back to Cuba, in his opinion the mother of all anticapitalist forces. The visit becomes a dialogue between reality and symbolism, confronting his thinking with today’s Cuban destiny.
Director: Nicolas Wadimoff
Casting: Jean Ziegler
Languages: French, German, Spanish, English
Subtitles: French
Release date: 18/04/2018
2017: Swiss Film Price - Best Documentary
« The filmmaker struggles to make this skillful man, in constant representation, drop the mask » - Télérama
« The intuitive camera captures this body and thought in constant move » - Le Nouvel Obs
« It is through the lens of the camera that Ziegler reveals himself, that the image is infinitely multiplied, losing itself in the complexity of a character with a thousand facets. » - Cineuropa
« An exciting glimpse of this colourful character who has lost none of his revolutionary spirit. » - Première